“Towards Fatima 2017” (XIV) — Commentary about the miracle of the sun (by Fr. Stehlin)


No doubt the miracle of the sun in Fatima belongs to the most exceptional miracles ever accomplished in history. Each authentic miracle is like a stamp from Heaven, a personal signature from God to testify that the revelation or apparition is really from Him. The authentic miracle excludes the possibility of fakes and deceiving methods, but also the extraordinary signs and false miracles of the devil. The devil has a certain power to deceive our senses (we hear extraordinary things, see a beautiful women, smell, taste, and touch uncommon objects etc.).

The miracle of the sun was a cosmic miracle which even the angels (also the bad angels) are not able to accomplish. They are not the masters of the natural law and the natural order of the world. Only God Himself can make an exception here. Such miracles God almost never operates! To find something similar, one must go back to the Resurrection of Our Lord, the calming of the tempest, and further to the apparition of the Most High on Mount Sinai.

From the side of those who saw the miracle, it is not less exceptional and unique. God allowed even enemies to see it, Freemasons, unbelievers, critics, and curious of all kind! This fact excludes all kinds of theories of collective hallucinations and other kinds of manipulation of the senses of thousands of people. A hallucination and other manipulations come from an over-excitation of the psycho-sensorial system and is always the effect either of troubles in the perceptive functions, or of the destruction of the conscious being. But all this cannot happen in a mind which is not at all inclined to any “excitation”: on the contrary, he despises the “excited” and “exalted” pilgrims and keeps far away from any influence to his emotions. And these people saw the miracle and testified to it.

Since then, all doubt is excluded: Yes, it is indeed the Immaculate Virgin, who on each month since May 13, came down from Heaven to speak with the three little shepherds to and pass on Her message to them. This miracle, the grand finale of the cycle of the six apparitions, is henceforth the indisputable proof of their authenticity, for God is truthful in all His works and He could not work a prodigy which would risk leading His faithful creatures into error. The great Solar Miracle thus appears to us as the visible, tangible, incontestable seal that God willed to place on the apparitions of Fatima, on the prophecies and terrible warnings that His Immaculate Mother came to reveal at the Cova da Iria.

2/ A miracle for our times

Strictly speaking, such miracles are not necessary for the Catholic Faith, which is solidly founded on the Divine Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ. However, for hundreds of years, the unbelievers use the progress of science to question and then to deny the supernatural order. Therefore in His great mercy, God decides to intervene in an extraordinary manner in our history, in such a way that His action, being directly visible and tangible, could be observed scientifically. These “scientifically proved miracles” appear only in our times, when modern science is in possession of the highest qualified machines and tools, with which it claims to destroy the “faith of the simple”. With these computers, etc., the modern researcher scientifically discovered the messages of the “Holy Shroud of Turin”, the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe, especially Her eyes, which no man ever could paint, and several other visible witnesses of the supernatural order (e.g. Eucharistic miracles, tears of Our Lady, etc.).

With such miracles are famous medical doctors of the whole world confronted when asked to analyze the water of Lourdes and the many cures provoked only by it. The solar prodigy of Fatima is also such a miracle for our times.

3/ The mystery of light (sun) — Mulier Amicta Sole

The miracle of the sun is certainly first of all the exterior proof, the divine seal and signature of all that happened in Fatima. But it is also a message in itself. And the very first message is that God did this miracle for the sake and glory of His Immaculate Mother. In the latter times of the world, God wants to show in an incomparable manner how much He wants Our Lady to be put into the center of man and his history; that after HIM She is really the GREATEST BEING amongst all. God solemnly confirms and underlines that She is really the Mediatrix of all graces, the link between Heaven and earth, and that HER IMMACULATE HEART is really our last hope. We can trust Her fully: as She had promised the miracle three months before – and it happened, so it will be with all Her promises, even the most unbelievable ones: the conversion of Russia, Her final triumph.

But someone could ask: Why did God want to do this miracle with the sun? We could rather expect miraculous healing of the sick or other striking phenomena. The reason is that there is a very deep symbolic link between Our Lady and the sun: “Behold a great sign appeared in Heaven, a woman clothed in the sun, the moon under her feet...” (Apoc, 12, 1).

Does God not want to emphasize on the 13th of October that Our Lady, as She appears in Fatima, is the apocalyptic woman Herself who is attacked by the dragon and later by the two beasts, but who finally alone will crush their heads and vanquish them, just like the brilliant light of the sun vanquishes all darkness.

If Jesus Christ names Himself the “Sun of Justice”, and if Our Lady is “clothed in this sun”, then the miracle of the sun in Fatima could mean that all light of grace and mercy, but also all justice and holiness is given to the Immaculata, so that everybody will receive the eternal light only through Her.

The sun is the source of light, but Mary somehow rules the sun to give its light to whomsoever She wants to give it: another illustration of the Mediatrix of all graces.

4/ The miracle and the great secret

In the second secret, Our Lady announces a sign given by God to show that the chastisement is very close and another war worse than the first will break out very soon. We know that this sign was given in Europe through a mysterious nocturnal aurora on 25 January 1938.

But we can ask: is not the solar prodigy of October 13 also in a veiled manner “the great sign” given by God, “that he is about to punish the world for its crimes”, as Our Lady said in Her great secret?

In any case, it had certainly the appearance of a terrible chastisement hurled by God on sinful humanity, to persuade it to be converted. A few moments earlier, Our Lady had demanded sorrowfully that men must amend their lives, that they must ask pardon for their sins, “they must not offend Our Lord God any more for He is already too much offended!”

Indeed, it was a terrible moment when it appeared that the sun was about to fall upon the crowd: “They cried out: ‘Oh Jesus, we shall be killed! Oh Jesus, we shall all be killed!’ Others called on Our Lady to save them and recited acts of contrition. Father John Gomes Menitra said: “When I saw the sun fall on us, I shouted: We are going to die! …I knelt on the pebbles, joined my hands, and asked pardon of the Lord for all my sins.”

In the village of Arburitel, some miles from Fatima, all of the inhabitants saw the miracle. Their parish priest, Father Ignacio Lourenco wrote: “The sun suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment. Near us was an unbeliever who had spent the morning mocking at the simpletons who had gone off to Fatima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed to be paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. Afterwards he was trembling from head to foot, and lifting up his arms he fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to Our Lady.

Meanwhile, the people continued to cry out and weep, asking God to pardon their sins… We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing”.

Many people at the Cova da Iria also believed that it was the end of the world.

We should ask ourselves: Is not the solar prodigy of 13 October one of the signs announcing the second coming of Christ, prophesied by Our Lord Himself? “There will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars... the powers of Heaven will be shaken” (Lk 21, 25). The resemblance is striking. The events of Fatima, with their grandiose character, unprecedented in the whole history of humanity, undoubtedly have very much to do with the latter times of the world, the apocalyptic times. Although the solar prodigy perhaps marked a beginning of the “last times”, it was not the sign of an imminent end of the world. For it also evokes the other major theme of the secret, the revelation of the great design of God for our times, by the mediation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

“When the people realized that the danger was over, there was an explosion of joy and everyone joined in thanksgiving and praise to Our Lady” (Fr. Lourenco). Mario Godinho adds: “From these thousands of mouths I heard shouts of joy and love for the Most Holy Virgin. And then I believed. I was certain that I had not been the victim of an illusion. I have seen the sun as I will never see it again”.

The chastisement did not occur with the end of the miracle, on the contrary: the pilgrims had the happy surprise of finding themselves perfectly dry, and during this last apparition of Our Lady there were even two miraculous healings.

Far from coming for judgment or chastisement, Our Lady had announced as early as 19 August and 19 September that in October, “Saint Joseph will come with the Child Jesus to give peace to the world, and Our Lord will give his blessings to the people”. On this frightened crowd which asked for grace and begged for pardon, the Holy Family poured out its blessings from the heights of Heaven. Terrible chastisement threatened us, to be sure! But God has a great design of Mercy: “He wishes to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.

In 1917, the mystery of Fatima had only begun. For Our Lady had promised to return to take our history into Her hands, to remind us of the chastisements which threaten us, to renew Her requests, and to announce with assurance Her final victory. The unheard of prodigy of the “dance of the sun” is the pledge of Her all-powerful mediation.

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People before miracle of the sun

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People during miracle of the sun

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People look at for the sun