The fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Not even the mighty wind and sea is above His power: “Lord, save us, we perish; command, O God, and make a calm.”

In today’s Gospel, Our Lord shows His divinity by commanding the angry sea and raging wind, powerful and intractable forces in creation. The wonderful character of the miracle is brought out clearly by the sacred writer in the contrast which he draws between the fierce turmoil of the waves and the "great calm" that followed (Gospel). Since it is in the Church that the kingship of Christ is most fully carried out, the Fathers saw in the howling wind of the storm a type of the devils whose pride stirs up persecutions against God's people, and in the troubled sea the passions and malice of men — the great source of disobedience to authority and of fraternal strife.

Sermon by Father John Jenkins (section: Sermons & Lectures)
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