Director's Letter No. 17

We must not fall asleep, especially not now!

Dear Knights of the Immaculata,

Events are precipitating. From all sides the adversary seems to launch the general attack. Whoever does not know in these times through whom certain victory will come, is lost.

The "abomination of desolation" is spreading at lightning speed with a hitherto unknown brutality. On July 16th 2021, the Pope condemned the traditional Holy Mass to death, so to speak. In Fatima it is forbidden to give Communion by mouth, as it is in more and more dioceses around the world. If a priest there still dares to give oral communion to some people, he is punished for it. Mind you, many of these priests allow themselves to be forced into hand communion, which means that it still takes a lot to gain any insight into the whole traditional teaching of the Church. After all, a single hand communion is objectively a terrible sacrilege! Some of these priests literally perish spiritually, others turn to all kinds of charismatic groups and sects, attach themselves to alleged apparitions, go underground, become loners who cook their own spiritual soup without support and guidance. This creates a hopeless confusion that grows day by day in conservative circles.

The way of such priests and faithful to the traditional Mass is often very long. They know little of the unadulterated teachings. The danger is great that conservative Catholics - abandoned by their shepherds and after having been thrown out - will split up into a thousand small sects, all of which will collapse into nothingness after the passing away of whichever charismatic leader, priest or seer. This, according to befriended Prelates, is the greatest danger threatening traditionalist Catholics.

How unspeakably grateful we must be, therefore, that we may be bound up in a firm and solid structure which remains unshakeably faithful to the whole Catholic truth without any compromises or additions; which, thanks to Divine Providence, may continue the whole life and work of Holy Mother Church in miniature, so to speak; which is free from all the errors that have been floating around in the minds of many priests and faithful for 60 years - partly with good intentions, out of a lack of knowledge of the Catholic faith handed down to us.

But this must not be enough for us. Apart from the efforts to pass on to others what we ourselves have received, there is ONE more means of salvation that we do not use enough, because we never appreciate it enough. One can easily say that almost all the above-mentioned disoriented priests and faithful, despite everything, still have one thing in common, they look up to a common lifeline: the Immaculata and her Rosary! According to the words of Our Lady of Fatima, these are the two last remaining means of salvation for the last times.

If we were even more convinced of this, we would, as Knights of the Immaculata, respond with a zeal all the greater to Mary's call at Fatima: "Jesus wants to make use of you so that people may come to know and love me." What a responsible mission!

Now, according to many priest friends, it is high time to flood people of good will with the writings about Our Lady, with Miraculous Medals, with her authentic messages from La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima. But above all, we must unite these people in a small army, in a spiritual family, which for many will become the last sure light in the darkness of our time. For there they will receive solid spiritual nourishment, instruction and, above all, the necessary means not to succumb in this valley of tears.

In all our distress, we must not overlook the fact that there can be nothing more glorious than this rescue operation to which we have committed ourselves. More than ever may we do good, may we be YOUR instruments for the conversion of people to the whole Tradition, to the only true Catholic and apostolic faith. The darker it gets around us, the brighter the Immaculata shines as a star of the sea to guide us and save souls from perishing!

Recently, the Archbishop Emeritus of Karaganda (Kazakhstan), Jan Lenga, visited the MI headquarters in Warsaw. He exclaimed enthusiastically, "This is the work of God for our time." And he promised to help us in the distribution of the writings and medals. Another Prelate said, "Now more than ever you (he means us Knights) can lead people to God through Mary." There have never been so many people - lay, religious, priests and bishops - seeking contact with Tradition. It would be an abomination if these searchers were treated dismissively by us because we "don't have time". It is obvious that as our field of apostolate grows, Our Lady invites us to spare no effort to place as many people as possible at HER feet.

450 years ago today, Our Lady of the Rosary won the glorious victory at Lepanto. But only because she had instruments who laid down their lives for it and some of whom also fell in battle. Certainly the soldiers of the Holy League were hardly saints, but generous and ready to sacrifice they were, full of trust in Our Lady. What an example for us - to follow in their footsteps!

The strategy is simple and we have no need to enhance it. Father Maximilian Kolbe, in his wisdom, provided for everything and we only have to follow his instructions, which he gave to the Knights of the Immaculata throughout his life:

1. To know Mary: all our writings, our "electronic apostolate", the talks and homilies serve this purpose;

2. To love Mary: to help her save her lost children through prayer, sacrifice, distribution of the Miraculous Medals and the various activities in the M.I.

3. To be instruments so that others may know her: to become inventive in the apostolate, not ceasing to bombard people again and again with the "bullets" of divine mercy;

4. To be instruments so that others may love Mary more and more: by our example, by reflecting her love, by our fidelity to her and to her Son.

October 16th 2021 is again the anniversary of the founding of the M.I. On this day we want to renew our consecration to Mary as instruments in her immaculate hands, not only to gain a plenary indulgence, but above all to ask the Immaculata to widen our hearts and fill them with her own zeal for the salvation of souls, her beloved children.

With all my heart I greet you and send you my priestly blessing.

Fr. Karl Stehlin

Warsaw, on the 7th of October 2020,

on the Feast of the Holy Rosary

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