“Knight of the Immaculata” No. 5

We must be very much convinced that, during this exceptional year 2017, Our Lady has kept aside very special graces and favours for the whole Church and for all those who are really concerned with her messages and determined to seriously fulfill her requests.

We must therefore pay special attention NOT to waste the precious time given to us. Every day, this year, we must deepen our devotion towards HER Immaculate Heart, the sanctuary where we abundantly receive all the graces of conversion.

So, in May, the fruit of your meditations will be an immense desire of the eternal happiness for you and for the others. You will be more and more aware that the whole world is nothing in comparison with one second in heaven. And this grandiose and fascinating perspective will motivate you to give more and more of yourself, to “pray and make sacrifices” and at the end of every day you will happily realize that you have made good use of the short time given to you for your own salvation and the salvation of many.

Order: Kolbe Publications

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